Others - Chloe 18 Fake Family [v0.69.2.01] [GDS]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    jank, grindy, and above all, cringe.
    The first 2 are common among most adult games, so maybe we can look over that. But jesus, the cringe kills my boner.
    The exaggeration, the weird and loud music cues, retarded dialogues, you name it. It's the collection of them all.
    Progression is not clear, and the reward is also very unsatisfying.
    Not worth the time.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The models are excellent and the writing is extremely dumb but comedic in a way that I can appreciate, but those are really the only qualities that recommend this game, in my opinion. It's unbelievably repetitive and grindy, to the point where cheating or editing your saves doesn't begin to make it approach a reasonable level of grind. And then once you do unlock animations, they're almost never worth all the effort because they're just slow, simple one-thrust loops. Definitely a shame because some of the characters truly are hot.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't understand this game.

    I've tried multiple times over the years to look for what people find appealing about it. I imagine it's the renders because some are pretty good and I'm into petite girls as much as anyone, but the game surrounding it is beyond saving, and the updates over time have shown the dev(s) have no desire to fix the fundamentally broken design.

    I gave it a 2 rather than a 1 because clearly there's a lot of effort here, but that effort is buried in nonsense. The pacing, the mechanics, the dialogue. It's like a fever dream of an alien who learned game design (and English) by playing only bad porn games. Other games in the series are equally terrible but this one for some reason is put on a pedestal.

    How it is permanently on the trending page is beyond me. I don't understand its high rating or popularity. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

    - The renders are good I guess, same problems as usual with the engine (uncanny faces)

    - Dialogue often illegible and along with the plot is utter nonsense
    - The UI is sloppy and ugly
    - Gameplay is grindy with very little early sexual payoff or motivation
    - Progression is locked behind guessing wtf is happening on the screen or in the game at all

    If you're into it, all the power to you, but this is just a massive shrug.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I mainly enjoyed the story in the game. It's a bit grind wile playing Chloe and it activates my completionist mode, but still, was fun. Couldn't find some scenes, so I ended up using a full story saved to watch them.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Quest-sandbox, catch-em all achievments, minigames
    So, the game consist of weekly routines where you make the MC progress (raise stats, relations, etc.). Unlike typical VN where the story unfold and scenes are unlocked depending on your choices, here you have to earn them. So, prepare to repeat things over and over again.

    Chloe-18 games are silly porn. Characters are silly, and everything is corrupted. The pitch here is a bit different as you play a male MC. Still, it's unrealistic and makes it very funny. It's enjoyable, but mind that everything is about how to unlock lewd scenes and grind. The author add also a medley of scenes/concepts from the other Chloe games.
    So, think of it as a multitude of side-quest, as there is not really a main quest.

    Renders and animations are well made. The style is very lolita (so, teenage characters mainly). Kudos for not giving every girl genetically-modified cow-breast size (but it goes with the lolita style).

    Overall impression:
    I like this kind of game. It's still felt a bit repetitive of the initial concept (Chloe18), because the mechanics and the characters are the same. But there are new things, and it's still funny and dumb-fucked.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Jaga Telesin

    At first glance Chloe 18 Fake Family looked fun, original, and had enough uniqueness to keep me interested for an hour or two. Unfortunately that came tumbling down when I realized how much of a grind it was. Once you reach the point where you can play Chloe as a second MC, the enormity of that grind made itself apparent.

    Games are usually made to entertain, and/or to challenge. This one does neither well, as after 6-7 hours it felt more like work, and the repetition and required tasks just drove me to press quit out of disgust.

    It looks good enough, animations are passable (though not great). Some mechanics are useful and immersive. But it just tries too damn hard to stretch what should be ~20-30 hours of content out over 50 or even 100+. If a game requires a walkthrough or tips to get players unstuck, or solve their confusion, then it wasn't made properly. If a game is more work than entertainment, it wasn't made properly. If you're seeing the same screens dozens or hundreds of times in one sitting, it wasn't made properly.

    Triple the progression speed in the game and it might be enjoyable again (especially for things like Chloe earning money). Add in more clear direction (or hints) for parts of the game that are downright obscure now (missing tooltips everywhere is just one of those oversights), and it might be far less confusing.

    At this stage, I'd rather re-play any of a dozen other AVNs that I've already enjoyed than try and finish Fake Family. Sad to have to say it, as I had high expectations after my first hour in the game. It just turned out to be a job more than a game.

    Entertainment shouldn't need a cheat sheet, a manual, or enormous amounts of patience to work through.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few 3d games I enjoy. There is so much scenes I still wasn't able to finish due to it's size. Although I know of original Chloe18 I wasn't ever too invested since it was a female protag and on top of that I don't find Chloe too appealing. So it's good we have this great project featuring a changed perspective. For me the strongest point of this game is the sheer amount of content. H scenes, music, mini games, decisions. This game has it all. Another great thing I really enjoyed are the hidden photos of Belle. They really keep the engagement high. The story and dialogues are absolutely apeshit insane at times, but at the same time they are so hilarious it's hard to concentrate.

    Art 3.5/5
    Story 5/5
    Gameplay 4.5/5
    Fapability 4.5/5
    Originality 5/5
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Chloe 18 Fake Family [v0.69.2.01] [GDS]

    Decent Character Models

    Boring Story
    Very Grindy
    Terrible UI
    Dull Sex Scenes
    Game Engine

    I remember that I´ve played the chloe games years ago and revisited them recently, and ohh boy are they rough. You can´t say it aged terribly, because even back then it would´ve looked way too overcrowded with it´s bad user interface which is one of many problems in the Chloe series.
    Probably the biggest problem is the grind, which is really tedious and sucks the fun out of this game. This is an issue you´ll see in many sandbox games and it´s just not worth the time to work through a boring story just to watch some lame scenes. Less is more would´ve been a much better path than spamming the game full of grind. Another thing that just boggles my mind is the game engine choice. The Chloe games can be very laggy, but there is nothing that couldn´t been done in Renpy really, and it would´ve run much better than Godot.
    This game did nothing out of the potential it had and is just not worth the time.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Gokkun Fan

    Great game. Very interesting approach to the game, playing as a guy. Though you can of course also play as Chloe. I really like this intention.

    A large dose of humor, great scenes, graphics - all this makes this game unique.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game!! I tried it and enjoyed it. But I did not continue, I want to watch the whole game someday. Thanks again!!!
    The only thing would be great to see really mature, hairy chicks! )
    Good luck!!!
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    As some have said, this game is a huge grind. Girls are just honestly just meh. Story and progression pretty meh too. Just skip this one because I think you would be better off trying something else that works. I also had some weird crashing but Idk if it was the game or what.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Grind fest, the story and gameplay fit on a post-it note.
    game lag, fps drop inteface suck.

    Plot make no sens (I'm not sure I can even say that it has the merit to exist)
    Progressing through the game unlocks the possibility of playing Chloe. a reward ? not quite, if the gamplay of the main game is already repetitive and generally bad, the gamplay of the Chloe phase is worse. Everything is done to lengthen the time necessary to advance to the next scene (very average by the way)

    the girls are okish until the scene shows their sex. Hole are totaly wtf I can fit my head in without my ears touching the edge

    I can't remember if I got the fact that the game is a grind fest....
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The grind in this game is over 9000.

    I went from "woaw this game is really unique in it's own way" all the way to "this game is such a grind to get through, it's not really worth it".

    It's different than the other VN's. But sometimes it's really not clear what you're supposed to do, so you're left to guess and click around.

    The 2 second looped animations are not worth the grind. And no I will not be reading a walk through guide just so I can play this VN.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The character models are great, the platform and animation are great, and I like the interactive elements. The writing and dialogue are kind of lazy and troll-like. Makes it hard to get completely immersed in the story. Interactions seem rushed and unnatural, and you get no time to really understand the characters or their development before all sorts of unrealistic sexual encounters happen.

    Overall I enjoyed it but the writing could really use some work.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    2 stars I usually don't rewried games with male protagonist but I like Chloe as the only True Protagonist in this game. Without Chloe this game never ever existed. The male protagonist whetewere is name is, is tooo blank with no personality. Becouse in Chloe18 the first game when I tryed been a slut with him he didin't loocked at Chloe and never been an jerk molester for what I remeber never took advantage of girls seduction. But in this game he act like a prick every single seconds.

    The choise here are clearly fake with no chance to keep his hand to himself and go straigt to next scene. He just need to fuck as much as possibile. In addiction if my memory don't put me in wrong he never acted as pervert befor. All choise to take another time don't count and they ain't selectable as action on Male MC. It kinda weird I don't find myself into him nor can't be act as gentleman.

    As I heard her Female MC Chloe is playble only if you unlocked her. For me is an turn off. Why can't it be choose you gender insteed of forcefull Male MC with Female MC ulocuekd later on kind of game? Why can't it be more like these game where we can pick whitch we can play from? It really bad thing to put it in this way. It too stressfull to ulnlock Female MC aka Chloe to play with. Really unpleasant time with Male MC. I don't even know how to save the game, I can't even find out how to save.

    1) Chole is the true Main MC (I wish the dev make a gendre selector for thos who love Chloe as only one playble) my onest opnion
    2) the grils are hot

    1)The girls are stunning and an turn on

    1) Male MC it bad and blunk no prsonality at all (It too blank fro the other Chloe18's games)
    2) Choise are almost all fake if you wanna act as jentlmane and wait for another time to fuck the girl there no way you can wait. All choice I can't even click if I want him to act as gentlman there no way I can do that. All choise are fake exept fuck the girl to advance trought the story (Sex scene are forcefull) and wait for another time there are in but not selectable (unplayble)
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is way way overrated. Horrible coding. Laggy & glitchy. Too much clicking of useless menus. Story is poor. Progression is so grindy and terrible(you wont know how or where is what). Only good thing are the interactive h scene menus. And somewhat decent animations. Overall would be rated much higher if it was coded & constructed properly.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent game cant wait for the next updates
    I just want to give 5 stars but don't know what to write honestly
    I have been checking this game for months
    I also like other chloe 18 games but this one is top notch
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Best chloe game, many things to do and it dosen´t get bored to quickly, best chloe game from all chloe game, only wish it had new updates more offtten but now there is a new update every month wish is very good
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite game so far. It has a very engaging story, a very good soundtrack, the graphics have become better and better with each game. The halloween bonus is a lot of fun and the MC's encounters with the girls in the car give a feeling of immersion in the story.
    And to finish, but not least, the photos of the girl that appear are incredible.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    My Thoughts:
    I like the game because it is more of [GDS], and I enjoy there slap stick way of popping from one naughty animation to another, along with there move around the screen text during the animations.

    The school setting reminding me of my Teen years in High school, and also my poor attempts to be the center of attention.

    The starting male protagonist:
    A 26 year old loser pretending to be a teenager in a home that he has no real relationship too, and pounding all the chicks in town. (I have to agree what's not to like about that. A pimple faced 13 year old in the basement on the net in his underwear would be in heaven.)

    The animation scenes and events during the game are enjoyable to watch, and it is a lot of fun.

    I personally <<< that is (Me myself and I) Or my Thoughts
    Would rather the game had revolved around Chloe as I just got really use to her, because all the other Chloe18 games had her or a female as mostly the Main character so playing her seemed more constant or better somehow.

    These games and the writing and dialogue have been orchestrated and over time personified to be for Chloe the almost pretty, nearly cute tean girl who Loves to fuck, but tries not to seem that way Slut! Who is perhaps the Anti "Life is strange" character. With a really kinky and likable, but also dis-likable behavior.

    It is probably the difference one see's between players who like "Tomb raider" or The knock off "Uncharted" Both are actually good, (I personally again am pro Tomb raider though).

    (Remember I said I Personally)

    you do finally get the opportunity to play as Chloe in this game but it is late in the game, and she feels like a very tacked on character with most of the events that she can do just copied and pasted into this game from "Chloe18 Back to Class, and others games of the series".

    Game Play:
    I think it has been improved on, I still get lost trying to understand the interface early in my game play, but get a grasp of it pretty quickly as I just click and hope until I understand it better.

    I never found a volume control, and had to resort to my Win 10 slider.

    Alt Plus Enter got me to and from full screen or Window mode with no problems.

    Saving is similar to Back to Class with "Continue game will autosave" or "-Save Game-" Option's on waking in the morning. Three save slots and one Auto save Slot.

    The male character has a car instead of a Motor scooter. Need to keep gas for it, and that can be a little tough at times depending on where you are trying to get too.

    Over all My Thinking:
    A Fun game, especially for those that enjoy playing a geeky Male character which lost me mostly because of his age, and the pretend to be a teenager stuff when he was not.
    It made for a story that could use him to help Chloe, but just did not feel right to me.

    ( Just to alien to the other games in the series, Might have been better to just remove it from Chloe completely and make it evolve in another universe).

    But I doubt the character could carry himself alone with out the Chloe background and Chloe story line so I guess this was the only way to insert a male Main character.

    It is all good fun more than worth playing, and I enjoyed it, and am looking forward to a beefed up Chloe presents in the game over time if GDS has not lost desire to continue it as has happened in there other games of the series. ( The -Read GDS Infrerno- stuff before bedtime is pretty neat and gives chloe a new look.) I do not remember it in any other chloe18 Game.

    Once it has truly reached a finished game "Complete state" Something I have actually never seen in a GDS game they seem to always Alfred Hitchcock suspend the ending in there games, and just move on to another project.

    I may improve my rating when that happens.