3.60 star(s) 5 Votes


New Member
Feb 3, 2020
I'm sorry, guys, but you're confusing me, so I'm just gonna ask one question.

If I jerked off to this, would I be gay?

thank you for your attention.
Not necessarily. If your boyfriend jerked you off to this, however, you being gay is a distinct possibility.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.


Formerly 'ServoToast'
Sep 1, 2018
- InterstellaFella, 2024

- InterstellaFella, 2024

Legendary quotes, especially the 1st one out of context. You should use at least one in your signature. Preferably with some kind of related GIF.
Cheers for the awesome words, legend. I'll figure out the signature and signature GIF thing so people can look to me like the important person I am and see a big booty at the same time


New Member
Jul 31, 2020
View attachment 4048782

Just UI without any graphics... Anyone help :unsure:
I have the same issue and I don't know how to fix it. I sent the same download to a friend and it worked fine on his machine.
I tried a bunch of settings in the Nvidia Control Panel but none of them solved it. I even used CE to complete the entire game in about 30 seconds and none of the unlockable cutscenes work either.
I'm really stumped.
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New Member
Jun 24, 2020
I have the same issue and I don't know how to fix it. I sent the same download to a friend and it worked fine on his machine.
I tried a bunch of settings in the Nvidia Control Panel but none of them solved it. I even used CE to complete the entire game in about 30 seconds and none of the unlockable cutscenes work either.
I'm really stumped.
To fix that you need to run locale emulator that supports special path. Just place a check on supporting special path and that`s it.


Sep 14, 2017
Actually, and it may just be semantics but, if she has a dick and pussy then she is technically a hermaphrodite. Now are the terms "hermaphrodite" and "futa" interchangeable? I'll leave that up to others to decide.
Futa Definition, meaning

Futanari is a Japanese term for hermaphroditism, which refers to individuals who exhibit both male and female sexual characteristics. In the realm of manga, anime, and video game culture, the concept of futanari is often depicted in fictional stories and characters having both male and female genitalia and is often viewed as sexually explicit and taboo. In some cases, futanari can also be interpreted as a form of gender fluidity or androgyny. Futanari (Japanese literally: 'two forms', literally: 'being two different') is the Japanese word for 'hermaphroditism', which is also used in a broader sense for 'androgyny'.


Aug 27, 2019
-->Massive Warning to All<---
There is a passworded file called "config". It cannot be scanned. So as the IT savvy person I just fucking deleted it. Do this before starting the game. So it doesn't launch any bull crap. Game still works without it.

Location of file: "MilkingTime\MonoBleedingEdge\etc\mono\2.0\Browsers"
File Name: "config"

This file looks intentional. I assume the dev hid some stat pulling nonsense or worse...
I tried to scan the whole folder with BitDefender (see my earlier screen shot post) and no one seemed to care that it wasn't allowed to be scanned without a password which is super sus.
  • Wow
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Formerly 'lampuiho'
Nov 30, 2018
That's what I am saying and these dummies are arguing or genital...

I tried to scan the whole folder with BitDefender (see my earlier screen shot post) and no one seemed to care that it wasn't allowed to be scanned without a password which is super sus.
Calling people dumb doesn't make you smart. You can literally open the file directly. There is nothing extra ordinary about the file. I downloaded the file just to prove your BS. If you're concerned with security with downloading pirated software, you shouldn't be downloading pirated software. There is no malware "defender" that can protect you from actual viruses. Best practices protect you from viruses not these junkware. You can always just install a seperate instance of OS just for running pirated software for safety if you absolutely must. To stop them from doxxing you, you can also run with windows firewall (blocking outbound all the time). Then, nothing can reach internet without first asking for admin rights.

Content of the file
    <dllmap dll="i:cygwin1.dll" target="libc.dylib" os="!windows" />
    <dllmap dll="libc" target="libc.dylib" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="intl" target="libintl.dylib" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="intl" name="bind_textdomain_codeset" target="libc.dylib" os="solaris"/>
    <dllmap dll="libintl" name="bind_textdomain_codeset" target="libc.dylib" os="solaris"/>
    <dllmap dll="libintl" target="libintl.dylib" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="i:libxslt.dll" target="libxslt.dylib" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="i:odbc32.dll" target="libodbc.so.2" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="i:odbc32.dll" target="libiodbc.dylib" os="osx"/>
    <dllmap dll="oci" target="libclntsh.dylib" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="db2cli" target="libdb2_36.dylib" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="MonoPosixHelper" target="libMonoPosixHelper.dylib" os="!windows" />
    <dllmap dll="System.Native" target="$mono_libdir/libmono-native.dylib" os="!windows" />
    <dllmap dll="System.Net.Security.Native" target="$mono_libdir/libmono-native.dylib" os="!windows" />
    <dllmap dll="System.Security.Cryptography.Native.Apple" target="$mono_libdir/libmono-native.dylib" os="osx" />
    <dllmap dll="libmono-btls-shared" target="libmono-btls-shared.dylib" os="!windows" />
    <dllmap dll="i:msvcrt" target="libc.dylib" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="i:msvcrt.dll" target="libc.dylib" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="sqlite" target="libsqlite.0.dylib" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="sqlite3" target="libsqlite3.0.dylib" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="libX11" target="libX11.dylib" os="!windows" />
    <dllmap dll="libgdk-x11-2.0" target="libgdk-x11-2.0.dylib" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="libgdk_pixbuf-2.0" target="libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="libgtk-x11-2.0" target="libgtk-x11-2.0.dylib" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="libglib-2.0" target="libglib-2.0.so.0" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="libgobject-2.0" target="libgobject-2.0.so.0" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="libgnomeui-2" target="libgnomeui-2.so.0" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="librsvg-2" target="librsvg-2.so.2" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="libXinerama" target="libXinerama.so.1" os="!windows" />
    <dllmap dll="libasound" target="libasound.so.2" os="!windows" />
    <dllmap dll="libcairo-2.dll" target="libcairo.so.2" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="libcairo-2.dll" target="libcairo.2.dylib" os="osx"/>
    <dllmap dll="libcups" target="libcups.so.2" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="libcups" target="libcups.dylib" os="osx"/>
    <dllmap dll="i:kernel32.dll">
        <dllentry dll="__Internal" name="CopyMemory" target="mono_win32_compat_CopyMemory"/>
        <dllentry dll="__Internal" name="FillMemory" target="mono_win32_compat_FillMemory"/>
        <dllentry dll="__Internal" name="MoveMemory" target="mono_win32_compat_MoveMemory"/>
        <dllentry dll="__Internal" name="ZeroMemory" target="mono_win32_compat_ZeroMemory"/>
    <dllmap dll="gdiplus" target="libgdiplus.dylib" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="gdiplus.dll" target="libgdiplus.dylib"  os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="gdi32" target="libgdiplus.dylib" os="!windows"/>
    <dllmap dll="gdi32.dll" target="libgdiplus.dylib" os="!windows"/>

    <!-- Some .net base class library code pinvokes into api-ms-win-core-threadpool-l1-2-0.dll. The only thing this library does is forward the call
    to kernel32.dll (on windows desktop, versions on other platforms might forward elsewhere.  Unfortunately this library did not ship with windows7.
    We're using the dll remap functionality in this file to have mono directly route these calls into kernel32, just like the library would do so that
    the BCL code that relies on this can work on windows7 again.  This functionality that does not work without this workaround includes NamedServerPipeStream.
    <dllmap dll="api-ms-win-core-threadpool-l1-2-0.dll" target="kernel32.dll" os="windows"/>
3.60 star(s) 5 Votes