Others - Completed - Watch out! [v1.0] [Hurakan]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Actual virus
    As the title says: Watch Out
    It will open dozens of links on its own, multiple tabs on your browser
    Best part: it makes sure to bypass private/incognito that you may have opened, and instead open the regular cache and cookie saving one

    I wish I could hurt this game in some way not even joking I fucking hate when shit does that
    Garbage ass dev spam advertising their garbage ass media no one wants to fucking see
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Normally I don't Criticise this site for quality control. NTR appeals to people I suppose and RPGMaker content is easy to create so it all gets a pass.

    This, However. Is the most appalling game (Not H-Game, Just game) I've ever played. I've played scratch projects more fulfilling than this.

    You pick an age (Completely irrelevant, as well as broken anyway, Negative numbers work and you can go all the way to 0 and beyond.) And an outfit (Also irrelevant as during Game overs they default to the... default.)

    Then you click start and the "game" Begins. You move with 2 frames of "animation" (A png rotated 45 degrees at an angle) with nothing but a pink "Press" heart button. You use this to push the men away from you, though it uses up a charge and doesn't work until they're pretty close to you.
    Now, The H Scenes are literally just pictures where someone is using the smudge tool to emulate... something I suppose. Also not every enemy has a unique one. The flasher uses the chaser's animation.

    You can also click on the screen to look back which will stop the chasers and will allow you to not look at the flashers.

    It takes over a minute to hit a checkpoint (Which gives you a full recharge on your button and a new enemy to deal with)

    There are about a dosen checkpoints. It'll take over 15 minutes to beat, so I haven't.

    Please don't play it. The art isn't worth it. Listen to the comments and reviewers please...
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't be fooled by the rather nice looking art. There's nothing worth of your time here. Go play any other Jungle Girl/Demon Girl clone instead.

    What this game has is maybe 5 different sex scenes, but it's one of those stupid "lose4sex" WITHOUT A GALLERY, so you're always restarting from the beginning and a different sex animation only shows up around the 3 minute mark, which is how long you'll take to reach the 2nd flag

    You see, the "movement" is automatic and takes roughly 80 seconds between flags. Each flag adds a new enemy type, which may or may not have a different sex animation. 8 flags * 80 seconds = 640, so you'll waste, at the very least on a perfect run, over 10 minutes
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Wouldn't even give this a 1/10. The sort of thing you would make as your first project and should not bother showing to anyone. Only one animation, the "gameplay" is incredibly simplistic and yet still buggy, and I'm not really sure what the point is.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Middest of the mid, rpgm scene collectors have more value than this.

    If you somehow still want to play it because the pics look hot then expect to be severely disappointed.
    - It's an exe file installer, I got no warnings when scanning it and my computer after install but I'd still be wary.
    - Gameplay is boring af. it's just endless walking with the occasional enemy which you either need to hold down lmb or press the heart button, that's literally it. expect to be bored out of your mind.
    - Only reason it's getting a 1 (aside from it being the lowest score) is that the ahegao is really hot.

    TL/DR: piss boring "game" that may or may not be malware, best not to take the risk like we did.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Mark Taker

    I'm not even sure if this is a malware or just a shitty game made for scamming people.
    I suggest you to just not even try to download this shit, it's an install file (windows.exe)
    Gameplay 1/10
    Sex scenes 1/10
    Entertainment 0/10
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    All this game has is good looking stills wrapped in a dogshit gameloop, with dogshit animation, and a dogshit soundtrack. The gameplay is pointless and not fun, there is a chance for this game to be interesting but in its current state it is worthless.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Did you see the preview images?

    There you go, seen all the game has to offer, wrapped up in a single .exe you need to uninstall after deleting the folder.

    Honestly, if effort had been made such as reducing the distance spending minutes walking doing nothing, or actually more than 2 back and forth frames for the animations, this could have been a simple but fun thing.