2.00 star(s) 1 Vote


New Member
Game Developer
Jul 16, 2019
im confused in the FNAF game, the legacy version has roxanne but for some reason it has the chica animation

and then in the new survival version, after i go to sleep, the girls attack me, but they just stun me, no death, no sex animation, is the game supposed to be like that? the original animatronics doesn't do anything at all, no sex animation, they just stun me
Legacy version is a bug, will be fixed.
Survival - you are playing in adventure mode, no sex scenes.


New Member
Oct 19, 2020
Gonna give some feedback about FTBS Survival mode
1. Shotgun does nothing.
2. During scenes it makes a random number combination of four digits. (I guess this is for future gallery mode or smth)
3. The underground storage thing that moves to kitchen has nothing.
4. You can open vents without needing a vent key/tool. Not sure if its supposed to be that way.
5. Sleep gives black screen. (potential scene maybe, gonna check hard mode). Can be Fixed by pressing restart in the ESC menu, which leads to the next day.
6. Not sure if there is sleep sex scene. Tried sever times. Playing in easy. (Could be hard mode)
Bonus 7? I played legacy for a while, rushed through everything. Then decided to play survival. In the beginning I found that I still had shotgun.

Does anyone know how to get sleep sex scene? Or it's still in development?

Anyway, I managed to find 5 scenes in total, not sure if there is more.
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Oct 3, 2019
I just want to say something real fast I am glad the developer is a good sport about this because most people freak out when their game is on this site not realizing the larger benefits like getting more feedback, potential customers, and a small but dedicated community that will keep watching on and chip in to support.

A developer has the right to be mad and take things down or put in counter measures but that tends to harm the community and leaves a leak in the bucket of the reputation of a game, some developers put some heavy counter measures that compromise everyone of their players and through the hole that was made in the bucket a worm can come in and sully the water making it dirty and slimy. What I am trying to say is that I really admire the developer and respect them.
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2.00 star(s) 1 Vote